Be mindful of the canaries and the opportunities to prevent signal loss.
A bird in the hand
Extreme risk/reward asymmetries are on display through the lens of “duration risk.”
Pavlov’s stocks
Stretched fundamentals collide with duration risk creating risk/reward asymmetries.
Mind your duration
Solid anchoring at the long end of the yield curve creates widespread risk/reward asymmetries.
See the forest for the trees in IP
Stepping back to see the forest for the trees, IP stands out as a top choice.
3D printing is a razor and blade opportunity
As 3D printing is adopted, “razor and blade” opportunities should remain top of mind for investors.
Shake Shack is changing its colors
Shake Shack is a rare growth opportunity as the strategy change maximizes brand equity potential.
The pendulum is swinging for NOV
The inflationary backdrop renders NOV’s assets quite valuable in light of the Q ratio.
American Eagle prepares for takeoff
Apparel stocks bottom in advance of or coincident with recessions as they are attuned to the consumer.
The market is on a long and winding road
The economy remains in an inflationary contraction, a recession by any other name.