Thank you again for being stoxdox members and for your patience as we work through the contest of the stoxdox brand in front of the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The most recent call upon our resources to deal with the case consumed much more time than we had projected. That said, the new direction that the case has taken was not unexpected.

It is my hope that we may share with our members the stoxdox, Inc. USPTO case study one day, as it offers many investment lessons which span both time and space. In the meantime, as we remove our legal hats and return our full attention to the investment world, I will ease back in with what I consider to be a no-brainer.


Given the still unfolding recessionary wave rippling through the US and global economy, Medtronic stands out as a high quality, asymmetric risk/reward opportunity. Due to the non-cyclical nature of the company’s sector and industry, Health Care and Health Care Equipment, Medtronic largely dances to its own beat from a macroeconomic perspective.

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